"The difference between a good life and a bad life is how well you walk through the fire.” – Carl Jung

Licensed psychologist helping professionals and couples discover purpose, permission, and pleasure!

You’ve engineered the perfect mask to survive life.

But it’s starting to crack

You are smart, driven, and you hate to fail. From the outside looking in life is picture-perfect. However, you know that's far from reality. It's just the reality you've worked hard to create. You fool most around you, and few ever look at you and consider, “What’s wrong?”
Only, there is a lot wrong...so much buried, so much packed away and put out of sight for "one day" when there's time to get to it.

Even so, you are also resilient. You know how to adapt to life and have experienced personal growth over all. Congrats! You have learned how to “MacGyver” your way through relationships and life, which has worked well enough for long enough. But "one day" is today.

Those quick fixes and partial resolutions are now becoming anchors that are drowning you.
They isolate you from the life you’ve worked so hard to build. If something does not change, you fear there will be an inevitable wreckage in your career, your relationship, and the world you’ve so carefully held together with duct tape for what feels like a lifetime.

Can I let you in on a secret?

You are not exaggerating, faking, or alone.

Yes, you have coping tools, resources, and a community of support that others may not. Or, maybe you are overly self-reliant because relationships proved unsafe at best and a liability at worst. Either way, you secretly hate that you are so good at surviving and feel ashamed to admit you need help. Here’s the truth... you are allowed to admit merely surviving life is not good enough. In fact, “just surviving” feels intolerable. You have faked it for so long. You have permission to WANT more, to NEED more.

I can help you...

Humaning Better

You realize you’ve come as far as you can on your own with the makeshift tools collected along the way. Individually or as a couple, it is time to find customized tools uniquely suited for your life and relationships. You are ready to dig deeper and prepared to put in the work to create change aligned with how you envision a thriving life to look and feel.

Sexual Exploration & Growth

From the time you are born, you hear conflicting, stigmatizing, and often shaming messages about sexuality and one’s erotic identity. However, as you mature, you realize these messages only limit you personally and restrict pleasure and intimacy in relationships. Every time you try to break away, you find yourself struggling to communicate, overcome by shame, or overwhelmed by how complex sex and eroticism can be. You are ready to evolve and grow. You merely need a guide to lead the way.


I felt safe and comfortable to discuss anything with her without judgment, and I attribute all of my growth and healing to our sessions together.


Jasmonae was patient, caring, attentive, and life changing in her work with me.

Her boundless empathy makes it easier for me to create space for my experiences while recognizing the part I’ve played in where I’m at.


She manages to weave strength, humility, insight, and grace into each session.

Overall by working with Jasmonae, I have experienced tremendous improvement in overcoming my issues.


I have a better understanding of them and myself and I am able to have more confidence to overcome my obstacles, fears and issues.

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